Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Lessons from the Yoga Mat

So as part of starting over and taking better care of myself, earlier this year I had started taking a yoga class. I hadn't done yoga since college (you know, just a couple of years ago) and while challenging, it felt good to bend and stretch and flow through the poses. Pretty sure the instructor was being kind with her comments - from what I could see in the mirror, my stiff, unflexible body did not exactly match what the others in the room were doing. Lots of self talk to get through that first class....thought I was gonna die when she said, OK now that we've warmed up, let's get started...warmed up? Now we're starting?? Uh, oh....

Well, I survived, and went pretty regularly for a while, then work interfered, then a client changed nights for their regular appointment, and it's not close to home, and, and, and - pretty soon I had a lot of, you know, perfectly good reasons why I was no longer going to class.

Fast forward a few months. My body was strongly suggesting to me that I needed to get it moving again. It was not happy with the neglect. Walking is good, but it wanted more. Again with the excuses - work, clients, time, cost, etc...blah, blah, blah.

So one day I'm in my favorite new age store here in Laguna, and what jumps off a shelf at me? A Body-Mind Flow yoga DVD. Bingo! Just what I need! And I have just enough room in my studio for my yoga mat - Ha! my "yoga studio" LOL

So of course the DVD sat on my shelf for a couple of weeks. OK, now it's time to get serious. Decide I'm going to do this at least once a week. Get up early and work out to start the day. Ahahaha!! Me? Get up early? If you know me, you know how funny that was....  OK, one night a week after work, as if I were going to a class. 

So the decided upon day rolls around, and, of course, I end up working late to meet some deadlines, and I have to make a few stops on the way home. Final stop was at the grocery store to pick up a few things, so I grab a frozen dinner since I didn't want to take the time to cook something. Get home, it's later than I wanted, but I'm committed. Go to put my dinner in the toaster oven and realize, huh, this will take 30 minutes to cook. Crap. Well, it may take the same amount of time as if I were cooking, but at least I won't have dishes to clean up.

Finally eat and get organized. OK - get my official yoga clothes on, get out my mat, and yup, it fits right down the middle of the room. Get the DVD, get my laptop, and get started.

I know most of the poses, so I should only need to glance at the screen, right?
Wait, did she just say left over right, or right over left? OK, laying down, twist left, look right, arm out, and crap, I guess my arm needs to go under the dresser. Eeww - how much cat hair is under the dresser?? Guess I missed that with my broom. Anyway, back to yoga. Twist right, left arm out, and guess my arm will be bent since I just hit the couch.  

OK, we're good with the downward dog, cobra, warrior, wait now we're standing and twisting again, shit, just knocked over the pen holder on the dresser. Good thing I didn't light my candles, since they are right in the target line for reaching and twisting - don't really want to explain to the landlord how I burned the place down because I was doing yoga...

Now I'm turning and twisting and trying to see my laptop because I'm not too sure I'm doing what she just said - I'm doing my Linda Blair "Exorcist" impression as I'm in a pose that would work in a game of Twister and I'm turning my head all the way around to see if this is really a pose.

Adjust and survive that, and at about this time I'm thinking and feeling that eating dinner right before starting wasn't the best idea....

Oh, and add in that the cat has decided to help by standing in the way, or sitting on the mat, or walking across me when I'm on the floor.  

Finally get through all the flows and get to the cool down part - YAY!  I survived! Just need to make a few adjustments going forward.

Is it perfect? Definitely no. Is it something I will continue to do? Yes. Would it be better to be in a class with an instructor? Of course. But until I find a class that fits with my budget and schedule, I can at least get my body moving.

The lesson? Just start. If there is a pattern or habit that you want to change, set the intention and just start. I have a friend who likes to ask "What are you waiting for??" We are about to start a new year. Wouldn't it be great to start a new habit now and carry it into the new year? Or stop a habit and leave it behind so that it doesn't carry into the new year?  

I am making yoga work in my giant abode. Find something you'd like to do and, as Tim Gunn would say "Make it work."  

Light, Love, Laughter


  1. Way to go, Lynette. Though, after realizing you're on tile, I think I'd get a thicker mat.

    1. Ha! Actually it's a thicker mat than it looks, but yeah, the tile is another part of the challenge....
