Thursday, July 21, 2016

Lessons from Sedona

So last weekend I was part of the 2016 Frequency of Sedona Experience with Ondre. Was it an experience? You betcha. On sooooo many levels. Hard to put into words, but here goes....

This experience was shared with an amazing group of 21 people. We all showed up with different reasons for being there. Our intentions and expectations for the weekend were varied.  

Some of us had been at the Sedona weekend last year and had grown together over the past year. Some of us had never met. Our ages ranged from 18 to 81. We parted as friends after sharing an experience that you can only really talk about with someone who was there. This year I was blessed to have my Mom as my travel buddy for the weekend, and we had a great time together.

The workshops were intense, surprising, unpredictable, fun, thoughtful and designed to help us grow in body, mind and spirit. We probably left with more questions than we arrived with - and that was the idea. Question! Learn! Grow! Question again!

We started early in the morning and ended late at night.  While maybe physically tired, mind and spirit were stimulated, and we just kept going. The weekend went fast and slow at the same time. (when you're with Ondre that seems to happen a lot...)

The food was specially prepared for us and was fantastic. Our Saturday dinner was an event in itself at a restaurant named Mariposa. Every detail was thought through and contributed to the experience.

In addition to the workshops, we meditated, had quiet reflection time, had great discussions, and at times laughed so hard we cried and couldn't breathe (Leigh, Rita, I really don't think we can ever sit together without causing a disturbance).

The time reconnecting with nature was priceless and immeasurable. If you haven't been to Sedona - GO TO SEDONA. Reconnect with nature, which then reconnects you with yourself and your Source. If you can't make it to Sedona, find your own special place to reconnect (you know, like maybe the beach??). 

Everyone there had "life" happening to them/around them - illness, family situations, financial situations, you name it, it was present. We came together as a community - a new family that supports each other. The room was a safe zone where you could completely be yourself.  

So, what kinds of activities did we have? A lot was crammed into a very short time, and I'll just touch on a couple of things.

Part of the experience was a jeep tour through the vortex areas of Sedona.  Yes, the scenery is breathtaking, but the tour gave us more than the view. Our tour guides were specially chosen to teach us the spiritual, historical, and scientific views of what we were observing and feeling. (I highly recommend that if you take a jeep tour in Sedona, you hire Earth Wisdom Jeep Experience - not your typical jeep ride.)

One of the stops had both a Buddhist Stupa and Native American Medicine Wheel. While there, I could feel the energy from my heart growing, and you could feel the peace around you. I also realized that the colors around me had become more vibrant, and the plants were practically glowing with beautiful rich colors. (Doesn't show in the photos the same way I saw them that day.)

During our morning meditations near a spectacular willow tree, the animals in the area would join us, and we were surrounded by the sounds of nature. Then when we became still, so did they. It was an awesome quiet.  

The lessons?  Too many to list. A foundation was set, and I will be discovering the layers of lessons over the next few days, weeks, months. What I'd like to pass along:

The people in your life are the most important thing you have. Family, friends and community are a gift and are the best medicine you will ever have.

You are a miracle. After a hilarious illustration of our physical creation (which was one of the laughing so hard you couldn't breath segments), the message was that the odds of you being created and here on earth right now are pretty ridiculous. Treat yourself like the miracle that you are, and treat others like the miracle they are as well.

There is a magic in connecting to the earth/nature - work on that connection every day. Daily meditation is a must.

Follow your gut - use your intuition. Practice listening to that little voice. It is never wrong.

Put your whole heart and being into everything you do. We are here such a short time, make it count by being wholeheartedly and unapologetically yourself.  

Photos you ask?? Of course. I took around 200 photos (would have been more, but I didn't always have my phone with me), and I love them all, so choosing which to share was a challenge. Enjoy!

Dusk at Poco Diablo Resort

Mom ready for the Jeep tour

Enjoying the scenery

Group at the Stupa and Peace Park

Tour Guide Kevin explaining about the Medicine Wheel

Contemplation time

View from my seat at dinner at Mariposa

Another view from Mariposa

The awesome willow tree at Poco Diablo

More awesomeness

Beautiful skies

Oak Creek near Poco Diablo

Too many experiences to share them all, and this is only a very small taste of what the weekend held - contact me if you're curious and want to know more. Enjoy creating and participating in your own experiences.

Light, Love and Laughter


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